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Investor FAQ
Where is Alerus' corporate headquarters?
Where is Alerus incorporated?
When did Alerus go public and what price?
What is Alerus' fiscal year?
What is Alerus' ticker symbol and where is the stock traded?
Does Alerus Financial Corporation pay a dividend? If so, when?
Who is Alerus' transfer agent?
Who should stockholders contact with questions about their Alerus stock?
How can I request additional information from Alerus Financial Corporation?
How can I receive email alerts from Alerus Financial Corporation?
Where is Alerus' corporate headquarters?
Alerus Financial Corporation is headquartered in Grand Forks, North Dakota. The Company's address is 401 DeMers Ave., Grand Forks, ND 58201.
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Where is Alerus incorporated?
Alerus Financial Corporation is a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware.
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When did Alerus go public and what price?
Alerus completed its IPO and began trading on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol
on September 13, 2019. The opening price was $21.00.
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What is Alerus' fiscal year?
The Company is on a calendar fiscal year, running from January 1 - December 31.
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What is Alerus' ticker symbol and where is the stock traded?
Our common stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol
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Does Alerus Financial Corporation pay a dividend? If so, when?
Alerus has historically paid a cash dividend four times a year. Discretion to pay a dividend, however, lies with the Board of Directors and issuance of dividends is based on, among other factors, the company's financial performance. Dividends, if any, are usually declared quarterly and are generally paid in January, April, July, and October. For information on our dividend history, please visit our
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Who is Alerus' transfer agent?
The Company's transfer agent is American Stock Transfer and Trust Company.
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Who should stockholders contact with questions about their Alerus stock?
Stockholders should contact American Stock Transfer and Trust Company for questions regarding their stock, including transfers, receipt of dividends, etc.
Stockholder correspondence should be mailed to:
American Stock Transfer and Trust Company, c/o Operations Center
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
(800) 937-5449
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How can I request additional information from Alerus Financial Corporation?
Please contact us via the
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How can I receive email alerts from Alerus Financial Corporation?
To sign up for Email notifications on our press releases, documents, and closing stock price information, visit our
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